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Examples and guidelines for optimizing the maximum performance of your website.


To build a good website you have to optimize in various ways. Some of the criteria for a good website are as follows:

Visual Design

Has an attractive visual design and is rich in unique components.

Loading Speed

A website with fast loading is preferred by users. Recomended speed is less than 4 second.


The website can be accessed from a variety of gadgets ranging from smartphones to computers.

Seo Friendly

Have an organized heading tag structure and content that is relevant to the site.

What template designers rarely pay attention to is loading speed and SEO friendly. Here you will be given a guide on how to optimize your website for the better and faster.


To improve website performance for the better, we will use tools from Google and other trusted sites. The following are tools that will be used for website optimization.

Google Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals is tools for make great user experience on the web. Web.Dev

Google Pagespeed Insights

Make your web pages fast on all devices. Pagespeed Insights

Google Lighthouse

Test your Progresive Web App with this tools. Lighthouse

Imagemin WebP

Compress jpg and png formate to WebP. Imagemin Webp

W3C Validator

Check html quality with W3C Validator. W3C Validator

After knowing the tools used for website optimization, it is time to implement them. Please start with Google Core Web Vitals.